Ammomium Nitrate

Ammonium nitrate is a popular fertilizer since nitrogen is a key component of the two parts of the compound: NH4 (ammonium) and NO3 (nitrate). Not only can plants access nitrogen directly from the nitrate form of the compound, but the ammonium fraction can also be gradually converted to nitrate by soil microorganisms. These properties make ammonium nitrate a popular choice for vegetable growers, who prefer a readily available nitrate source for plant nutrition. Animal farmers use ammonium nitrate for pasture and hay fertilization, preferring it to urea-based fertilizers that can volatize from the soil before it is used by the plants. It is also highly soluble, making it well- suited for use in irrigation systems.

Ammonium nitrate’s other predominant use is as a component in explosive mixtures used for mining, quarrying, and civil construction purposes. This highlights the importance of proper control of this ammonium nitrate form to reduce its potential hazards.


Ammonium nitrate has a lot of advantages over the products of the presented price segment, including:

-Lightning speed of assimilation by plant organisms.

-Increasing the volume and quality of yields.

-Can be used on any kind of soil. Increasing the volume of gluten and protein in the resulting products (improving grade).

-Accelerated growth and maturation of culture.

-The additional micro and macro elements included in the high-class ammonium nitrate allow you to achieve the intended result faster.