Our products

Soda Ash

Soda Ash is the 10th most consumed inorganic compound in the world, which has been used for over 5,000 years. 


Over 90% of global potash production is used for plant nutrition

NP 10-46

A granular fertilizer providing open-access phosphorus and low nitrogen to agricultural plants.

Gas Block

Sulphur is the primary source to produce sulphuric acid, the world’s most used chemical

 Sulphur in flakes / granules / spheres 

Sulphur is the primary source to produce sulphuric acid, the world’s most used chemical


Carbamide (urea) is a fertilizer with an amide form of nitrogen. It is the most concentrated of all nitrogen fertilizers

Ammonium Sulphate 

Ammonium sulfate is an excellent source of sulfur nutrition. Ammonium, which is part of ammonium sulfate, is well available to plants and does not leach out of the soil

Ammonium Nitrate 

Ammonium nitrate is a popular fertilizer since nitrogen is a key component of the two parts of the compound: NH4 (ammonium) and NO3 (nitrate). Not only can plants access nitrogen directly from the nitrate form of the compound, but the ammonium fraction can also be gradually converted to nitrate by soil microorganisms


Technical powdered lignosulphonate is a by-product of wood processing. Technical lignosulfonate is a mixture of salts of lignosulphonic acids (with an admixture of reducing and mineral substances) obtained from bisulfite pulping liquors.